Web Hosting (Windows)

Limitless Plan

1 GB NVMe Storage *
10 GB Monthly Traffic *
1 Domain *
0 Addon Domains *
5 Subdomains *
1 POP3/IMAP Email Mailbox *
1 Sub Account *
Mailenable Webmail
Unlimited Mailing Lists
0 Additional FTP accounts *
0 MySQL Databases *
0 MSSQL Databases *
Unlimited Wordpress installations (1 MySQL database required per install)
Unlimited Wordpress backups
Unlimited ODBC Connections
Windows Server 2016 / 2019 / 2022
Microsoft ASP
PHP 7.4 / 8.0 / 8.1 / 8.2
512MB PHP Memory
1 IIS Worker
CGI support
SSI support
Webalizer Web Statistics
Let's Encrypt SSL certificate
Daily offsite backup (28 days)
Free Email and Slack Support

* This is a usage based plan. The specified resources are included. Additional usage will be invoiced monthly.

Standard Plan

5 GB NVMe Storage
50 GB Monthly Traffic
1 Domain
5 Domain Aliases
5 Subdomains
5 POP3/IMAP Email Mailbox
2 Sub Accounts
Mailenable Webmail
5 Mailing Lists
2 Additional FTP accounts
2 MySQL Databases (1GB quota)
2 MSSQL Databases (1GB quota & 100MB log file)
2 Wordpress installations
2 Wordpress backups
2 ODBC Connections
Windows Server 2016 / 2019 / 2022
Microsoft ASP
PHP 7.4 / 8.0 / 8.1 / 8.2
1024 MB PHP Memory
1 IIS Worker
Task Scheduler
CGI support
SSI support
Webalizer Web Statistics
Let's Encrypt SSL certificate
Daily offsite backup (28 days)
24x7 Website Monitoring
Email & Phone Support

Premium Plan

25 GB NVMe Storage
250 GB Monthly Traffic
5 Domains
25 Domain Aliases
25 Subdomains
25 POP3/IMAP Email Mailboxes
10 Mailing Lists
10 Additional FTP accounts
10 MySQL Databases (5GB quota)
10 MSSQL Databases (5GB quota & 500MB log file)
10 Wordpress installations
5 Wordpress backups
10 ODBC Connections
Windows Server 2016 / 2019 / 2022
Microsoft ASP
PHP 7.4 / 8.0 / 8.1 / 8.2
2048 MB PHP Memory
2 IIS Workers
Task Scheduler
CGI support
SSI support
Webalizer Web Statistics
Let's Encrypt SSL certificate
Daily offsite backup (28 days)
24x7 Website Monitoring
Email & Phone Support

Business Plan

100 GB NVMe Storage
1 TB Monthly Traffic
25 Domains
100 Domain Aliases
100 Subdomains
100 POP3/IMAP Email Mailboxes
100 Mailing Lists
25 Additional FTP accounts
25 MySQL Databases (10GB quota)
25 MSSQL Databases (10GB quota & 1GB log file)
25 Wordpress installations
5 Wordpress backups
25 ODBC Connections
Windows Server 2016 / 2019 / 2022
Microsoft ASP
PHP 7.4 / 8.0 / 8.1 / 8.2
4096 MB PHP Memory
4 IIS Workers
Task Scheduler
CGI support
SSI support
Webalizer Web Statistics
Let's Encrypt SSL certificate
Daily offsite backup (28 days)
24x7 Website Monitoring
Email & Phone Support